Life Care

Life Care For People Who Cannot Be Taken Care of By Parents Or Guardians At Home

Life care or life-long residential care has been designed for people above the age of 20 years, who cannot be taken care of by parents or guardians at home. These beneficiaries are provided with every facility for living comfortably in a group; with nutritious food, medical care, living and hygiene care, in addition to the training and sheltered workshop activities, keeping them occupied, along with the day care trainees.

More About Our Life Care Project

As on January 2024, there are 25 beneficiaries. Parents of a few present day-care beneficiaries have booked for life care, when they are unable to manage their wards at home.
Cases are also coming from other people, through references from other NGOs /parents /well-wishers.

Our Profile
Beneficiaries Enjoy All the Life Care Facilities

There are 3 girls with physical disabilities, who joined us as life care beneficiaries 20 years back; but are now full time employees – one is House Matron, one is in Marketing (computer based) and third one is our Receptionist.

They have been supported to complete school finals / graduation, trained in various jobs and made full time employees. They live here with the other beneficiaries and enjoy all the life care facilities, besides earning an income like other employees.

Accommodation is of a dormitory facility, separate for boys and girls. It is the overall responsibility of the Matron & Care givers to ensure smooth running of the residential facility. With the help of our Social worker and Admin staff, they plan, organise and monitor all the required activities in the residential facility like personal hygiene, medical care, etc. in close consultation with the parent / guardian.

Medical Care Forms an Important Part of Life Care
Dr. L.H.Hiranandani Hospital in Powai, supports all the medical needs of these beneficiaries; We have also tied up with Apple Hospital, close to our centre GODS ABODE for emergency medical requirement of our beneficiaries
House-keepers monitor the prescriptions and give time to time medication to all life care beneficiaries; procuring the medicines and visiting doctors as per requirement with office Admin staff, etc.

Details of each beneficiary are maintained in a register for any kind of information required by the management, doctors or parents.

Planning the diet for the beneficiaries is also an important aspect, which is done in consultation with a professional dietician, who prescribes, taking into consideration the physical / medical conditions of these members.

Care Givers are one of the strongest support systems and vital clog in the wheel for running Life Care. These caregivers are specially trained to take care of their specific / total care. They provide assistance in regular hygiene requirements, medical needs, etc.. Matron, along with the support of the Social worker, counsellor and special educator, interacts with parents or guardians and help with emotional needs, fully understanding the mood / requirement of the beneficiaries.

The life care staff hold regular meetings with the Teachers and Management for effective functioning

In addition, since they are in the centre 24 hours of the day, the Team also helps in the general day-to-day running of the Foundation. The young beneficiaries with no physical disabilities are trained in house-keeping, so that they can help in keeping their clothes tidy, living place clean, help others who are dependant, etc., thus they too remain occupied after the day care activities ( 4pm to 8 pm..) and live like a family in a house.
