Online Training


The Covid pandemic that hit us all in March 2020, changed the way we live, move, learn, work, etc., etc. overnight.

It hit our beneficiaries with Special Needs as well, along with their teachers and trainers.
The following are the steps we went through to make things possible in the best way possible & get the positive results :


Convincing Parents to be part of the online classes

They were already struggling with other issues of the pandemic at home, they were aghast and most hesitant to take up this add on load; counselling & motivating them on the importance of continued practice for their wards, helped them to agree for a trial !!


Realising the practical Challenges and finding Solutions

Lack of equipment like mobiles, computers (laptops) was also an issue, which could be solved through some donations, for deserving trainees.


Functional education, Skills training & Therapy

Using Mobiles, positioning them during the classes, catching an attention of the youngsters with such a small device, etc., etc., were endless … added to these were the suitable timing for the parents to sit for the classes. Teachers did work out the plans for different groups for Functional education, skills training & therapy.


Learning to accept the situation during Testing Times

Once these fell into place, planning of activities / skills fell into place. Now, more or less, they have learnt to accept the situation, but our beneficiaries are longing to be at the centre, live, with their friends & teachers.. All said, they & we too, missed the vibrations in the class rooms.

Since June 2021, we are back to our earlier way of running our centre like in the pre-pandemic period.
Challenges always cultivate Innovations...

Innovations lead to Positive Thinking...

Positive Attitude gives rise to Desired Results.

Positive Impact

  • Few Trainees can operate the mobile / laptop and attend online classes on their own.
  • Few have enhanced their cognitive skills by attending special online classes.
  • Good improvement in Trainees’ communication skills, self confidence & overall gross & fine motor skills.
  • Parents too have learnt new skills along with their wards & enjoy working with them.
  • Teachers’ too are confident of conducting online sessions, where, many times they needs to take proactive decisions.

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